Sunday, 22 January 2012

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Today is 22 day of the year.
22 = 2 x 11
22 is the first hoax number.
22 is the second Smith number.
22 is the fourth pentagonal number.
22 is the sixth lazy caterer number.

Albert Wilansky coined the term Smith number when he noticed the defining property in the phone number of his brother-in-law Harold Smith: 493-7775. He noticed that 4937775 = 3*5*5*65837 and that 4+9+3+7+7+7+5 = 3+5+5+(6+5+8+3+7) that is, the sum of the digits of the number equals the sum of the digits of the factors. 

Incidentally, did you work out what the sums added up to?

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