Today is 16 day of the year.
16 = 2^4
16 = 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 i.e. the sum of the first 4 odd numbers.
16 is the maximum number of pieces of pizza one can create with 5 cuts i.e. 16 is the fifth lazy caterer number.
16 is a member of the primitive, Pythagorean triple (16, 63, 65).
16 is the smallest perfect square number whose reverse is prime.
16 is the fifth member of the Euler zigzag numbers, beautifully illustrated here.
16 is the number of arrangements of three items.
The 16 arrangements of the three letters a, b and c are:
1) {a}
2) {b}
3) {c}
4) {ab}
5) {ac}
6) {ba}
7) {bc}
8) {ca}
9) {cb}
10) {abc}
11) {acb}
12) {bac}
13) {bca}
14) {cab}
15) {cba}
16) {}
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